Responses from rsf507
Fuses Agree @phillyb fuses can make a difference but it's very small and not worth hundreds of $$$$ IMHO | |
Bought a new McIntosh amp Bring the mac152 back NOW. Listen to other amps I think once you try others you will realize the Mac is just ok and others will be sonically better. | |
VTL repair success Sound quality is only one thing to consider when buying high end gear customer service is as important. Have heard how horrible VTL's service was so never have I ever considered them. Glad the OP got his repaired. | |
Fuses @antigrunge2 +1 | |
Fuses Well I've tried turning myself around and still no change. | |
Fuses Very little in my experience. | |
Something For The Fuse Guys ... @femoore12 I'd suggest for $20 try these Acme fuses first.'ve listened to the SR orange and it was a VERY small change. YMMV | |
DAC Shootout Starts This Weekend @verdantaudio talks about what might be best according to your preferences but I would add looking at a company that has fantastic support and for me personally made in the USofA. Again I'd prefer USA made for many reasons one of which I like to s... | |
Why the hate for mcintosh amps? @gavman add one more thing. Once heard you will know there is a LOT better out there. | |
Playing Customs Games with Our Northern Neighbors When I've sold to Canada and have been requested to declare a lower value I always inform the person that if the item is lost, stolen or damaged the only thing they can get is the declared amount not matter the actual cost. 90% say no problem. | |
Cost to Rewire a Tonearm? I would say it also depends on what litz wire is used? Kondo litz wire could costs $$$$$ | |
Anyone rolled fuses in the Primaluna integrated? Why not try these 1st? | |
You can go home again No I think the more equipment you can hear the more you will understand what you like. Unfortunately this leaves a bank account that slowly vanishes. | |
Basis Turntables: Worth it or Ripoff? Great TT. Is it overpriced? Isn't most things in high end audio? | |
Why the hate for mcintosh amps? I've heard several and NEVER did anything for me. No I don't hate MAC just would never buy one. YMMV |