
Responses from ryder

are older Naim integrated amps considered high current?
In my book, only Supernait 2 or 3 is worth considering if going with Naim integrateds. The Nait XS is underpowered in most applications.  For used prices, the Krell KAV-300i or KAV-400xi have much better current capabilities than the Nait XS and ... 
8-10k budget suggestions please
The comments about the combination of Krell + B&W being a match made in hell, I think it is more to the room and also the amp or speaker model. I used to have Krell KAV-300i driving B&W CDM 1SE back in the day, more than a decade ago and i... 
Gryphon Diablo 120 vs. Luxman L-509x
@dbt Have you managed to compare the Gryphon Diablo 120 to your Luxman L-509X? If yes, I would be interested in your thoughts.I read that it’s slightly darker sounding than the Diablo 300 with reduced vice-like grip in the bass. Nevertheless, st... 
Amp Around 60 lbs Which Sounds Like A Gryphon 300
Thanks. Let me check it out if it sounds as good as the Diablo 300. The last time I checked, there were comments that the 300 sounds much better than the 120.  
Used vs. new
Just to add. I will only buy used if the condition of the speakers is very good, perhaps 8.5 to 9 out of 10. I wouldn’t mind paying a bit more money for a good or mint condition pair. It’s good to have some savings if buying a used pair. The downs... 
Used vs. new
I don't have experience with the B&W models mentioned here but owned 2 pairs of old B&W models for more than a decade, and I agree with few comments here that new is not always better. In my case, New and more expensive sound worse than ol... 
Something other than Harbeth SHL5
I feel like I have to play the SHL5s loud to make them come alive. I’m very sensitive to upper frequencies going too harsh/bright. As what Arafiq mentioned. Older SHL5 is slightly spitty and harsh in the treble in comparison to SHL5 Plus. It ma... 
Power cord - 5 ft vs 10 ft ?
10 ft is too long in my book. Sweet spot is 6 ft.  
Totem Model 1 vs Totem Arro
I owned TOTEMs and I also currently run HARBETH 30.2 XD’s.   Between Model 1 and Harbeth M30.2 pre XD, I would pick the Harbeth. I presume the XD version would sound even better. I have owned the SHL5 and SHL5+ for more than 10 years and rece... 
Totem Model 1 vs Totem Arro
Can I ask what amplifier do you use with the Model1?   I can’t recall but it would be either the Audio Research LS16/Plinius SA-100mk3 or Naim NAC202/NAP200/Hicap. Good to hear that the Model 1s are an improvement to the Arro. That is all tha... 
Totem Model 1 vs Totem Arro
The high frequencies of the Model 1 sound a bit harsh and unrefined to me but that was when the speakers were compared to Harbeth SHL5 in my system about 10 years ago. Perhaps the Model 1 Signature sounds more refined at the top in comparison to t... 
Bought the Chord Qutest. Love it. Hate the power supply.
Particularly if it’s in a component described as incredible. Did you perhaps choose this term inappropriately? It’s not inappropriate. Incredible is used in the context of the system. Any incredible sounding component can be improved. A $10 pow... 
Experience with Townshend Seismic Podiums on Concrete Floor (they're great)
I think you must have missed my post.   Yes, @prof I missed your post. Apparently you may be the only one on this thread who did not like the results of the Townshend. However, I note that in your case it’s with the Bars rather than Podiums. T... 
Experience with Townshend Seismic Podiums on Concrete Floor (they're great)
Great news. Your experience just adds to the statistics and reinforced my belief that the Townshend Podiums register a 100% success rate with those who have tried. They only bring a positive impact to all systems that were installed with these, so... 
Which is better? Marantz PM-10 or Marantz PM-KI Ruby?
PM-10 looks prettier.