Responses from ryder
New Luxman DA-06 doesnt sound so great. Will it get better? I know it’s an old thread but I’m compelled to update this thread. Other than the Japanese unit needing a step down transformer, it can be cables as well particularly the power cord that’s connected to the DAC . The Luxman DA-06 is rather sensitiv... | |
Buyer anxiety The deal was too sweet There is no deal. It is all scripted, like telling a story. | |
Help. System sounds thin and bright or harsh To me the Harbeth M30.1 sounds warm.and slightly rolled off in the treble. I wouldn't be able to make it sound bright. If you couldn't figure out the problem to the brightness issue with the 30.1, perhaps try M30. It sounds excessively warm to me,... | |
diffuser or absorption panels, which would you choose? Diffusion. If I need absorption, I'll just add a thick rug on the floor. | |
Under my tower speakers -- Isoacoustics Gaia, other options? Townshend is reported to be much better than Isoacoustics Gaia. However, the price is higher and as a result it’s more suitable for higher end systems or speakers. There are folks who upgraded from the Gaia to Townshend and found the latter to sou... | |
Under my tower speakers -- Isoacoustics Gaia, other options? If you’ve tried Gaia III isolators or other kinds of feet for your speakers, especially on concrete floors, I’m curious to hear your observations. Thanks. I have two sets on Gaia 2 and Gaia 3 on 2 pairs of standmount speakers. Tiles on concr... | |
A move from Harbeth to... Wilson? Old thread. If anyone prefers the sound of the Harbeth and desires to have a slightly more transparent, open and detailed sound, the Graham is a good choice. Basically a sound with slightly improved clarity and detail which can make a significant ... | |
Luxman 590AX II Break-In I can listen for hours without fatigue or losing interest. That is all that matters. | |
Luxman L590AX vs.590AXii Take this with a grain of salt. The dealer whom I bought the L-590AXII from told me that he compared both AXII and AX1 and the new model sounds a lot better than the old one. | |
Luxman 590AX II Break-In I use the L-590AXII with speakers that have a sensitivity ranging from 87 to 88dB, impedance 4 and 8 ohms. Room is 10.5 x 18. | |
Luxman 590AX II Break-In Kef Reference 1 Meta speakers, These speakers have a low sensitivity and impedance. I6 x 18 room is rather large and that might have contributed to the less than stellar result you are currently getting with the speakers. | |
Luxman 590AX II Break-In I have about 175 hours, and my bass is less than stellar. Also, there is not a luscious midrange (yet). I have read epic reviews but have not experienced that thus far. What should I expect over time? Getting a little worried! The L-590AXII ... | |
15 ohm speakers yea or nay? Yogiboy, I’m glad the SHL5 Plus has lived up to your expectations. They are good speakers. I suspect the Quicksilver tube amp brought out the best in the Harbeth. I have used solid-state amps with the Harbeth all my life, about 12 years and the sp... | |
Acrolink Cables, anyone heard them? By the way, the Acrolink 8N-PC8100 Performante costs more than the DAC that's connected to it. It may sound crazy but that's the way it is. | |
Acrolink Cables, anyone heard them? I have compared the Acrolink 8N-PC8100 Perfomante to Wireworld Silver Electra 7 on my Luxman DA-06 DAC. The Acrolink sounds bolder and more dynamic, the WW flatter with reduced macro dynamics. I have Acrolink 7N-PC9700 on my amp. I’ll be comparin... |