
Discussions smoffatt has started

Top 3 power cord for DAC1311317
Download and "ripping" questions with a Mac.467216
Hi Rez download sites in Canada??23762
Audio Research DAC7 vs PS Audio DL3 modified39172
Graham Phantom set up33041
Graham Phantom + Mint LP147087
Graham Phantom Armwand606512
IPOD with Dock or not. Help?24222
IPOD Y Cable32166
Sota Millennia Vacuum?539310
Audio Research Ref Phono + Ref 2 RCA to XLR29942
Sota & Graham Phantom owners36733
Mapleshade Steamer Kit.....anyone?845219
Stealth Indra vs Virtual Dynamics Master LE49123
Music Matters first 2 releases.14901