
Responses from sokogear

Steely Dan Aja cover
My favorite album of all time. Recently got the UHQR of it shipped the day it was released. Incredible....blew away my Mofi Original Master. Unfortunately (but expectedly) it hurt the resale value of the Mofi. But I sold it anyway..... I think it ... 
Steely Dan Aja cover
I learned another thing on the 'Got. Thanks @theflattire   
Speakers - Your "Safest" Choice
Why $20K? Maybe you will find one for less that you can't beat for that number. Are you trying to impress someone saying you spent $20K on speakers? Maybe you'll find $50K used ones for $20K. You will most likely be happy with many different mode... 
Purchase on Audiogon arrived not as described
Did the seller say they had the original boxes? That would be sufficient if the original packing materials were used. If not, did they say how they intended to pack ship them? If they misrepresented, they are liable. If you didn't ask, shame on yo... 
Cost Incurred to Achieve a Vinyl LP Replay
What language was that in? Brevity is important. Why is an ancillary?  
Happy Holidays and Your Favorite Tips?
If you have a room on floors the are not concrete base, address any vibration issues you undeniable have, especially with the turntable, then the speakers. Even with concrete floors, it can't hurt.  
Going from MM to MC
If you can find a van den Hul dealer, I would recommend his (AJ's) cartridges highly. Great detailed sound, medium output MC with a very long stylus life. There are tons of options, some less expensive, but if you include the ongoing stylus replac... 
How good is good enough?
It's been good enough for 40 + years. That is not the question. The question is when will you stop trying to make it better? Since the room won't change, I'm pretty much just making my records better by getting better pressings/remasters. Replacin... 
Steely Dan UHQR
The only audiophile records I see on Amazon are from Speakers Corner and they are spotty at best. Mofi (Music Direct) and Acoustic Sounds don't sell to them, probably because they discount and are big competition to them.  
Steely Dan UHQR
Agree @goodlistening64 - get rid of the extra packaging we don't need and charge $60 like they do for the other 45s on MFSL or Acoustic Sounds. At $150 a pop, these are only going to be bought for my very favorite albums. Acoustic Sounds increases... 
Steely Dan UHQR
@jayctoy - not sure what you are talking about with the Gaucho UHQR. It hasn't been released yet. I won't get that one as I have it on an excellent Japanese pressing, and it is my 3rd favorite SD album (after Aja and Royal Scam). Aja is probably ... 
"I'm a believer"
Don't forget that speakers are the end of the signal path and can only deliver what the amp gives it, which can only deliver what the preamp gives it, etc.  Also a big part of the speaker cost is the material and construction cost of the cabinet,... 
Does a record player make that much of a difference??
Consider the base of the turntable and its ability to isolate the table from footfalls, vibrations from the speakers and form earthquakes (measurable in very minor increments which affect the sound that you would never know about)_ disctintly from... 
Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!
I had a pair of Alons for 25 years that were great and I had to replace the paper woofers about 8 years in. I liked them a lot and changed quite unexpectedly just before Covid hit because I came across a close out deal on a pair of brand new KEF R... 
Vinyl record storage in Harvey's office, Suits TV show
It annoyed me terribly that the records were not perfectly vertical. Great show until Mike & Rachel left.