
Responses from tonyangel

REL T7 Subwoofer
I don't have a T7, but I do have a T3, which is the small model. I got it because I was downsizing and it replaced a Paradigm PW2200 (I believe it was).It wasn't too long before I regretted it. The Paradigm just did everything so effortlessly, as ... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
I'm always on the look out for new music, but unfortunately finding music that you enjoy and sounds good isn't always easy. I've made a personal decision to just concentrate on music that I enjoy.In any case, finding music that you'll enjoy is som... 
squeezebox with shairport and 24 bit support
I'm not real sure that I understand your question. If you are using a Squeezebox as a front end and your Squeezebox is capable of playing 24/96 files, then your only limitation is going to be the amount of bandwidth that your wireless system can s... 
External Wireless drive for iTunes
Two ways that immediately come to mind. The first is to get a NAS device. I use a Synology. If your wireless router has a USB port on it that supports drives, you can just use that.The upside to going with a NAS device that is compatible with Logi... 
NAS connected digital streamer with digital out?
If you do go with a Logitech product in conjunction with an NAS and plan to run the server software on the NAS, just keep in mind that the software system requirements do apply for the NAS. When shopping for an NAS, I'd get one with at least a 1.5... 
NAS connected digital streamer with digital out?
If you are assuming that you are in the minority because you want to use an external DAC, I'd have to say that you are wrong.I any case, I suppose your options would greatly depend upon the amount of money that you want to throw at this.Many here ... 
Digital Emperor has no clothes
I have a VERY modest system. My sources consist of a Sonos and a Squeezebox Touch, both of which pull files off of an NAS. My Preamp is a NAD C162, Dac is an XDA-1, Amp is an Aragon 2004, Speakers are System Audio SA505 bookshelves and my sub is a... 
Hi Res ripping software for Mac ?
Funny, I've never thought of CDs as being hi res, but I suppose they are, in relative terms.I run an all digital system. In fact, I don't even have a CD player right now (although this is digital too). I do most of my casual listening through a So... 
NAS connected digital streamer with digital out?
What are you trying to play? Ripped CDs or high def files? The reason that I am asking is that there are two streaming players in the lower price range that come to mind. The first being the Squeezebox touch and the other being a Sonos.The advanta... 
Emotiva XDA-1 or HRT Streamer II+
I'll give another plug for the XDA-1. So far, I've compared it to a few others in the price range, like the V-Dac II, rDAC and DacMagic and have stuck with the Emotiva because it sounded the best in my system. With all of these lower price DACs, I... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
I've had a few problems with my Squeezebox Touch, but for me they've been nothing more than annoyances. I have mine pulling files off of a Synology NAS. My biggest annoyance is when the Touch decides that it doesn't want to see the files on the NA... 
Best DAC for $500
Since I don't think it's been mentioned, I'll throw in the Peachtree Dac It, just for something more to consider. As has already been mentioned, there is a lot of good talk around regarding the Arcam rDac, the Schiit Bifrost, DacMagic, V-Dac II, e... 
Best Ethernet player
Although I do still run a Logitech Squeezebox for my hi res music files, my favorite and least troublesome system has been my Sonos.I realize that the Sonos has its limitations. It only does 16 bit 48khz files at most, but man, in terms of ease of... 
NHT Classic Two?
Rich,Thanks for the insight. I guess I'll just have to keep looking around. What I should do is just bite the bullet and get something really nice. I went to my local shop and they had models of Harbeth and Spendor, both of which meet my size requ... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
A month or two ago I was hot and heavy to get into being able to play hi res files from HD Tracks and such, so I got a squeezebox touch. Since having gotten the squeezebox, I've used it a LOT, just getting to know it.These are some of my observati...