Responses from toro3
Kilpisch + Ojas kO-R1 I can’t answer the question about diffraction, but I do find Devon Turnball extremely interesting. In terms of aesthetics, I like the look of these kO-R1s, but I’m sure many will disagree. The collaborative with Klipsch is unexpected to me (doesn... | |
Can You Trust a Shipper? (UPS, Fed-Ex, etc) The past two years I’ve been using a local packaging and shipping service that caters to both residential and commercial, nationally and internationally. What I’ve learned from our conversations is that it doesn’t matter if it’s UPS or FedEx - b... | |
Receiver I like the idea of separates as well. ATI reportedly builds the Monoprice Monolith amps. HSU has been suspected of being involved with the Monoprice Monolith’s subs. I’ve been running a Marantz 7704 with a Monoprice Monolith 5-channel amp and I’v... | |
TAD vacuum tubes? @dekay I’ve never noticed the raised lettering in the bottom of my TAD Red Base EL34s - I’m now curious. I can’t say much about the sonic signature of these tubes since I was previously running KT88s in my amp. I will say that these EL34s have be... | |
List Of Small Company Tube Amps Dennis Had and whenever he lists his amps on eBay. | |
Saved systems can't be found, where are they? Oh To find your favorited systems: Audiogon main page > top right corner click on the three horizontal lines > click on the small black triangle near your user name on the left hand side > this drop downs to which you’ll click on “My Virtua... | |
Opinions on RENOLABS in Vietnam This is a good find, OP. I’ve also been interested in reclockers and this seems to be a good option, but I’m even more fascinated by their tube monoblocks - the RA-833s. | |
Be Careful With UPS! Maybe someone with inside knowledge can confirm UPS capability: I had a package listed as delivered but our Ring doorbell confirmed that UPS had never dropped off the package. After navigating the UPS customer service tree it was communicated that... | |
Looking for a true upgrade in sound quality When I was experiencing some “etched sound” when doing a long run of Ethernet direct to my streamer I tried Small Green Computers Fiber Media Converter (FMC) bundle found here. I also inquired the Audiogon community about Network Acoustics Eno Str... | |
Opinions on RENOLABS in Vietnam Out of curiosity how did you come across Reno Labs? This is the first time hearing of them, but their products look interesting and their website is well done. Not that it’s a big deal, but some pictures of their DAC with the screen turned on woul... | |
Sunfire Amp joule meter But isn’t it a weird that the meter stays in the same position when also off? Or did I interpret that incorrectly? I don’t remember my Cinema Grand doing that. | |
Noob question about streaming . . . I have the AV7704 and it’s a solid HT preamp. I would definitely try the Wiim Pro and Tidal to determine whether it’s worth the difference. Personally, I typically utilize Spotify Connect from either my iPad or phone with this preamp and it sounds... | |
Music Hall Maverick SACD Player repair I had a similar issues with my Maverick which has been sitting in the closet for I don’t know how many years. There may be an option down here in AZ, but I’m not too confident. Regardless, this post gave me motivation to try and get this component... | |
Roon vs OS and Native Players - Impact on SQ? @mclinnguy Antipodes could definitely be included in that list. In all honesty, they were simply excluded since I’m not too familiar with their offerings, but I have heard wonderful things from owners on this forum. | |
Roon vs OS and Native Players - Impact on SQ? It looks like certain Aurender models are now Roon Ready and can be enabled for use with video and written instructions here. I would be really curious to hear from the Aurender Roon users. Ready mode is a free upgrade available on all Intel-bas... |