Responses from twoleftears
Audiophiles on Audiogon. | |
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC It's my understanding that most if not all reviewers can get the accommodation price, before, during, or after doing the review. The price is typically the same as what a retailer would pay the manufacturer for the product. There have been threa... | |
New and improved Diamond Back Oil!!! For an exorbitant fee, I’m sure he could accommodate you, using one of these. | |
Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum? So let me get this clear, @mahgister , you think it's perfectly OK, or at the least should be permitted, for person A to recommend to person B to drink bleach or inject themselves with it to cure covid, and then if person B is foolish enough to be... | |
Warm, rich, smooth, 3d tube integrated amp, budget $6000 @facten Thanks!. @smodtactical, you would be well advised to take this into account in making your selection among the many makes and models recommended. | |
OCD audio guy naming shady Audiogon dealers by name In this topsy-turvy world in which we live, anyone with a youtube channel can garner himself a "following", however low in number that may be. His "business model" (double air quotes) is to present himself as an alternative voice, a bit of an out... | |
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC @lordmeltdown You're right on all accounts as usual. The Czech Republic is a unitary parliamentary republic and developed country with an advanced, high-income social market economy. It is a welfare state with a European social model, universal ... | |
Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum? You're right, @mahgister , it doesn't matter one bit that the US came perilously close to having the democratic process subverted and an authoritarian administration illegally installed. And if that had happened it wouldn't matter one bit to ever... | |
Thinking Hybrid Integrated. Aesthetic, Unison, Canor, sure there are others. | |
Recommended USB Cables under $200 Wireworld Starlight. | |
Favorite religious song Let it go for 2-3 minutes and crank up the volume. | |
Every day I see another turntable recommendation... They don't make headshells like that any more. | |
Warm, rich, smooth, 3d tube integrated amp, budget $6000 Once again, have we determined the minimum number of watts that the ATC SCM7 and Yamaha NS5000 need to function properly? That would rule out a number of lower-powered tube amps. | |
Audio Hungary Qualiton X200 Integrated This is getting kind of meta. jerryg123, the reincarnation of skypunk, posting in a thread originally started by skypunk. | |
Ralph Vaughn Williams The Lark Ascending and Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis are the "gateway" compositions to start approaching RVW. My absolute favorite is another non-symphonic piece, Five Variants on Dives and Lazarus, which is superb. For neophytes I would s... |