
Responses from willywonka

Audio envy - dang!
I only ordered a power cable from them several months ago. I won't be ordering from them again after the terrible service they gave me. No confirmation of my order. They didn't answer phone calls or EMAIL's and finally got in touch with me after a... 
I still have several old one's they sent me over the years. Love glancing over them now and then. Can't wait to get the new one.  
Recommendation for ATC SCM150 Amp/Pre
Get Active ATC's but a Tube Preamp! I have a BAT VK-80 Tube preamp and am loving it with my Coda #8 amp. I also am considering getting some ATC's so am interested in this.  
Good service from DH Labs
I own DH labs and am happy with my cables, but don’t they check their cables before shipment? A simple Ohm meter would have found this unless it was damaged in shipment. Glad they fixed your problem though. I have met some of guys that work there ... 
Puritan PSM156 recommendation
@audphile1 Strange how that works on some systems and amps. I have a Coda #8 amp that delivers up to 150 Amps peak current with a huge 3.0 KVA toroidal transformer and 40 output transistors and I noticed no difference in dynamics with a gigantic s... 
Puritan PSM156 recommendation
Love mine but I did no actual comparisons to others. I did take some noise measurements though and it cut the line noise in half or more. The meter I used though only measured up to 10Khz. My system now sounds good no matter what time of day I lis... 
are there any fans of the Oppo BDP-95 out there? (vs. Oppo 105D).
I have a 103D and hardly used it and haven't used it in years. My dedicated stereo equipment is at a different level and I can't stand to watch 1080P video. I had a chance to buy their best Blu Ray model before they stopped selling players but did... 
DAC for Aurender N200
I'm using my Aurender N200 with a Holo Audio May KTE DAC via USB and I'm very happy. I did try coaxial but thought the USB sounded better.  
DAC for Aurender N200
@soix Clocks are not as important for USB compared to the other connections. Also, the N200 only uses a TCXO clock and not an OCXO clock like the N20. Big difference!  
Audiogon Mods….Help please!
@mapman What audio forums do you have to pay for? I'm not aware of any. Audiogon forums certainly aren't as good as many other free one's!  
Lumin U2 or Aurender N200
I'm using a DH Labs Mirage USB cable with my N200. Very good results.  
Aurender N200 Streamer
I liked USB better on mine with my Holo Audio May KTE DAC. Remember the N200 only has a TCXO clock versus a OCXO clock on the N20. This makes zero difference if you use the USB though.   
Friends hi-fi system not very good, what do you do or say?
Easy solution! Have him listen to your system and he will start asking many questions on how to improve his!  
Audio envy - dang!
I bought one cable from them a couple years back and their customer service was horrible. They evidently do big installation jobs, and the owner can be out of his office for weeks. No confirmation EMAIL after my order and several voicemails and em... 
Why does Audiogon need my phone number to send private messages
I just don't send private messages anymore, so problem solved! They don't need my phone number and won't get it!