Responses from wspohn
Which AMP to Keep ? I still run PSE Studio V monos in one of y systems. Not well known but good sounding - I'd keep the Studio IV! | |
Favourite Guitarists You are missing some good ones: Jeff Beck Tuck Andress Robben Ford Lee Ritenour Larry Carleton Pat Metheny Joe Pass Mostly jazz players, but I agree with some of your choices, particularly Stevie Ray and Knopfler | |
Classical music newbie needs your suggestions You might enjoy owning Mahler’s 2nd symphony "Resurrection" conducted by Gilbert Kaplan. The story behind the man’s determination to conduct a symphony orchestra is rather interesting. See | |
What Does It Take To Surpass A SME V? I tried several arms when I got into the hobby, several decades ago, but at that time I judged the SME V to be the best choice and I still use them on a Sota Cosmos and a VPI TNT V in two of my systems. Setting up amd trying different arms with ... | |
Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll I own and use several Class A amps - collectively around 400 pounds of them. If they didn't sound better than most other amps they'd be gone in a second. But they do, so they stay. | |
I've been selling heavier gear for lighter gear Light speakers tend to be flexible which can have negative effects on sound, especially in the lower registers. A lot of my gear is pretty heavy (100 lb amps, 450 lb. speakers etc). I didn't buy for weight, I bought for sound and the weight just... | |
Which Solid State amplifier would you recommend for my budget? I still own a Rowland 5 but moved it to my AV system as it wasn't as smooth as the CJ Premier 11a I now use. Agree with the Belles recco, and some of the older Classe that is actually Class A are really excellent | |
Record crates Your problem is why Ikea invented Kallax shelving! | |
Types of Audiophiles Count me in as a purist. I want it to sound like...real music. | |
Rear speakers, generally of lesser quality? If you mount side and rear speakers on the ceiling, and but speakers that are fairly flat, it becomes a non-issue. Take a look at something like the Vandersteen VSM-1, for instance. | |
Why do Tube Amps sound more romantic v SS amps Hard to generalize - horses for courses. I just try a given amp out in a system and then compare with whatever else I have at the time and choose whichever set up sound s the best to me. I run all tube into some big Wilsons, but solid state into... | |
System that sounds so real it is easy to mistaken it is not live Closest I have come is when I was playing solo piano on vinyl, and my wife who is a pianist was a couple of rooms over called out to me and asked who was playing (she knew that I don't play and thought that I had a visitor sitting at her piano. | |
When someone tells you it's a $40,000 amp, does it sound better? I've listened to very expensive speakers driven by equally expensive power amps at audio shows and they sounded horrid, but f course the exhibitors claimed they sounded wonderful.. I tend to rely on my ears, not on what price is charged for the g... | |
Most economical way to ship large speakers? I shipped speakers I had bought across country using a moving company. They were in three large crates that totalled 1100 lbs. so no other method would have been as good/economical. | |
Listening chair height? With a tall speaker your seat would have to be on a ladder! I use quite tall Wilsons - they solve this by having vernier adjustment of the forward rake angle of the module carrying the tweeter - you choose your listening chair and then use a las... |