
Responses from yesfan3942

Counterpoint SA-3.1 and 5.1
Oh, I forgot.  Any tube product should have a slow start tube filament supply and a delayed high voltage for the tubes so to prevent cathode stripping of the tubes.  One can do this by switching on the supply for the high voltage after the slow st... 
Counterpoint SA-3.1 and 5.1
I have extensive experience with the SA-3.1, having used it for the past 35 years or so.  It can be extremely good if one makes a few improvements.  The raw voltages are very high out of the remote transformer.  It has a LM317T filament regulator ... 
Anti Skating adjustment
I sent the cartridge with the suspected suspension problem to Peter at Soundsmith. I have verified no problems with turntable or tonearm by mounting different cartridges and they don't exhibit any problems. My original post was concerning antiskat... 
Anti Skating adjustment
I talked to Peter today concerning the cartridge and he is willing to look at it again with a new RA#. Don't know how this occurred, but the suspension or dampers seems to be the problem. I don't know enough about the internal construction of this... 
Anti Skating adjustment
Yep, I just rechecked the bias with no VTF (balanced) and the A/S dial set to 0 produces no horizontal movement when "blowing" straight down on the headshell from above. Just a slight amount movement on the dial does start to move the tonearm away... 
Anti Skating adjustment
Thanks Oldears! I totally agree and suspect that either the suspension (piano wire tension) has somehow been affected or the damper material is causing it. Soundsmith retipped the cartridge with a ruby cantilever just recently from the original di... 
Acoustat 2+2...Any users?
I've had a pair of Acoustat 2+2s since the mid 80's. I went the full gamut of audiophile products: Mosfet, bipolar, tubes-push/pull and DHT single ended 45,2A3, 300B). The single ended Loftin/White 45 was the best amp driving 96db Infinity Composi...