

Responses from yesiam_a_pirate

Upgrading my integrated amplifier for my Magnepan 1.7’s
I'm a "Maggie man" since 1977.  Maybe my 2 cents can help.  Maggies like CURRENT. That's much different than wattage.  I have a bias toward Audio Research because back in the day Jim Winey (Magnepan) and Bill Z. Johnson (ARC) were neighbors and b... 
Calling All Tube Gurus
To your date code question: I think it's not really relevant as tubes from the same batch can vary by a LOT.  I read that manufacturers think 5% variance is fine. Try 5% louder in your left channel and me that me 5% is fine. :) I once replaced a ... 
Magico speakers too clinical and fatiguing?
I heard a pair driven by a pair of ARC Reference tube amps and a Ref 6 preamp. I thought they sounded very good. They are not as "clinical" as Wilson Alexx Vs sounded to my ears.   
Preamp upgrade
To be honest unless you are Elon Musk price matters. The exponential increase in price of let's say a Ref 6SE over your LS7 will not give an exponential increase of quality reproduction.  Most of us in this hobby spend a LOT more money than one ... 
New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid
Its SO subjective but as a rule: Wilsons are holographic, B&Ws are rowdy and in your face, and I've never heard Borresons so I can't opine.  One poster mentioned Maggies. I 100% agree. Get the 1.7s with a pair of REL 7 subs. It's transformati... 
Bluesound mode not really cutting it
I have some experience with the BSNode.  It was IMO "unresolving". I have tried a few different streamers and under 2K my favorite (for now) is a PS Audio AirLens. I was skeptical about it's claims but their return policy made me willing to give ... 
The Allure of Vintage Audio Gear
About 15 years ago I bought a Marantz 4400 and a 2325 on eBay. The quadraphonic unit was really cool with the tube oscilloscope.  They both sounded tired so I had the 2325 re-capped and it sounded much better- but by real HiFi standards it was pre... 
What Power Amplifier Should I Buy?
Perhaps a pair of Bryston 7B SST monoblocs?  If you like the Bryston sound (I do too) you can get a set of 7B SST (Super Steve Tanner) used with years of warranty left for 4-5K. I drive my woofers with these and the upgrade in sound quality and oo... 
Recommendation for tube preamp
Stay with fully balanced.  Stay with ARC  
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
I had a conversation in Chicago with a representative of a prominent old vacuum tube component company wherein I pointed out that at the show most all the attendees were men with "a touch of gray".  I (what's left of it is gray) asked him (also gr... 
PS Audio IRSV selling
Paul loves to discount his stuff. He does it all the time which messes with PS Audio resale prices. Don't ask me how I know this LOL.... I'd guess some guy with money and good sense came in, enjoyed some PS Audio tour time, listened to Paul tell ... 
It’s true what they say/and a question
Micing a drum kit is very tedious. Each head should have it's own mic. High-end studios used to do that (some still do) but with the digital mixing board assist all that tedious micing is not considered "necessary" any longer.  Given your system'... 
Power amplifier longevity… thoughts?
I love tub gear but at 20 years old there will be some issues with sockets, hot resistors and weeping caps. If you are not handy with a soldering iron budget for repairs. Maggies LOVE Bryston 4B SST or 7B SST (or the cubed series if you have the ... 
Integrated Amps
The Audio Research i50 is a fantastic integrated. They have a DAC and Phono stage card upgrade as well. You can find them on HiFiShark for under 4K.  That's a LOT of amp for not much money.  I think they sound fantastic- typical ARC sound- tube wa... 
critique my setup -- weak link? best way to improve?
A set of Magneplanar LRS or 1.7s would be pretty cheap and radically improve your sound.