1000 budget for speakers and integrated - HELP

I am experimenting with a new system. I currently have an EAD trnsprt/dac combo and I want to build a system around this excellent digital source. The challenge is to find an integrated amplifier and full-range speakers in the used market for, ready for this - $1000! I listen almost exclusively to acoustic jazz and have been into this hobby for a good 17 years now. Speakers that I'm considering are: NHT 2.5i, Linn Keilidh, Meadowlark Kestrel,????. Integrateds I'm considering are: Creek 4330, Audio Analogue Puccini, ???. Am I against an impossible task here??? Any input would be appreciated.
If you go used, the NHT 2.5i might not be too bad.

For the integrated amp I'd recommend looking at a used Audio Refinement Complete int. amp which has been very, very highly rated and you might be able to find one used for about $700 (new $980).

International Audio Review concluded their review of the Audio Refinement Complete by stating "If you're looking for the most musically enjoyable solid state amp you can buy with price no object, this is it. If, on the other hand, you're price sensitive and are looking for the most economical entry point to true high end sound, this is it. Any questions?"

For your speakers I think you would do very well with the Kestrel. They do very well on the mids and highs for their price class. Little bass shy but for the type of music you enjoy may not be a problem. Try for the hot rod will cost you 700 to 800 plus freight. For the integrated why not go with a NAD until you can upgrade. Not the very best but puts out enjoyable music.
Second the Audio Refinement as it really is the champion in this league. Vote Totem Arros used for speakers. Bit bass shy, but oh the imaging and and voicing, particularly for the genres of music you listen to. Kestrels are a bit distant and non-involving, don't like Linn speakers and the NHTs will tend toward bright. Good luck.