Unanswered discussions

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Removing stylus from Shure V15 Type III

I have an old Shure V15 cartridge and have just ordered a Jico SAS boron cantilever stylus replac...

Macintosh/Sonus-Faber House of Sound in NYC

Spouse and I are going to NYC this weekend and I thought I'd arrange a visit to this deal:  House...

A new Rega Aura or a used Rega iOS

Hi, Finally getting back to having a proper analog front end after almost 10 years, moving abroa...

advice on sonic signature of Thoress full-function preamp with phono

Hello all, I am contemplating on consolidating my audio system to a one unit full-function tube ...

Auxiliary ATC benefits.

I’m wondering if other ATC owners have noticed how unfussy speaker placement is, how great they s...


Anyone ever have trouble dealing with this organization?

Will a Proceed HPA amplifier be okay to run Wilson Sabrina Speakers?

Hi All,  I am considering getting an older pair of Wilson Sabrina speakers.  I already have a Pr...

XLO Ultra Plus power cord

Does anyone have experience (good or bad) with this power cord?

Viva Egoista 845 Manual

Hi, I accidentally lose my manual. Do any one know if there is any access to the digital manual? ...

Any experience with EAT E-glo and VDH grail?

I’m looking for a new phono preamp and these two caught my interest. I have an LP12 turntable wit...
