$1000 used amp. What can I buy?

Ok maybe $1500. I have always had solid state; don't want to mess around with tubes. Currently a biamp setup with a crossover at 100Hz. This setup doesn't sound bad but I think I could do better. I have a Sunfire preamp. Most amps I have owned been Leach-based circuitry. I have heard some new Classe(way more expensive than I can afford). Am told Threshold is good and durable. Not sure about Bryston, Adcom, etc.

Any opinions would be appreciated.
you can find a used bat vk200 below $1200. great amp. i use it to drive vandersteen 3a's. like upper midfi said. if you buy here and don't like it, sell it.

aloha keith
Dale, what do you think of the Acoustic Reality (eAR) 202 ICEpower amp (($600US new)?

I have never heard of Acoustic Reality. I am stranded in Iowa. I will give anything a listen.
Threshold - (Cas 2,400A,SA3,S150,S200,) Forte 4a, Muse 100 or 160 , Pass Labs Aleph - (3 or 30 or 5),Sumo - (The 5 or The Nine or Andromeda,)Classe DR Series any of them,my favorite here is the DR 2 and DR 8. Bryston 3B ST or 4BST.

Might want to consider another preamp, from the same manufacturers as listed above. With most of the amps listed above you may find that a sub woofer is not needed,unless your speakers only go down to 45Hz.
Give the McCormack amps with revisions a try. They are rarely sold for very good reasons, one of which is they sound superb. You may also look into some of the digital amps like PS Audio's HCA-2, quiet, runs very cool & load invarient.