@inna : "That's reason enough not to buy $10k cables and Ferraris - not to be associated in any way with those f*****s."
Almost anyone on the street could look at your system and mine and say the exact same thing about us, right?
"And you don't need such an expensive gun for a bullet to go straight to the target."
First off, they're shotguns, so no bullets. Second, Purdy owners (I've know 1 or 2) will tell you there is a lot more to it than the trajectory of shot leaving the barrel. There is balance, feel, grip, momentum of swing, etc. (I've held a few of these guns and they mount and feel great in the hands). But, they are also handmade and of extremely high workmanship. They are also embellished with often elaborate hand engraving and checkering which is much appreciated by their owners and fans.
My point here is not to justify the cost to you ( I do not want and will never own one). The point is that all of these elements which we might consider a fetish are almost exactly analogous to the things audiophiles, even of a modest stripe, put so much emphasis on and pay so much money for. I suspect the Purdy owners I know would be shocked and amused that people pay $10,000 for a pair of speakers to listen to three guys crank on guitars, bass and a drum kit.
"Real money is earned money, my audiophile friend, but of course you already know it."
That's pretty much the only kind of money I've ever had but can't deny that my path in life has been blessed. So I'm not knocking inherited money either. And if a long lost uncle dies and leaves me a bank roll, I won't turn it down and I might even blow it on a $1000 DAC that to me sounds outrageous but to many if not most in this forum sounds like a compromise. ;-)