10k system for ultimate image density at 70-75db?

mid sized acoustically treated room
10k used
low listening levels - 70 to 75 db
performers are in the room rather than "i´m there"
ultimate image density
excellent instrument separation - easy to follow
like amplified music - not unplugged
kind of "music into mechanical energy transformer"

my first guess : ohm walsh + nuforce
regarding the electrostats...

while electrostats can draw a really fine and lifelike picture at low levels - they cannot deliver weighty snap, or the driving force as deep foundation behind that so beautyfull but light produced picture.

but thanx for every input
"Foundation" at 70dB is not a realistic expectation. I'm sure you can find something unrealistic for much less than 10K.
I don't know about "image density" but as an apartment dweller I wanted excellent sound at low volume levels. I found that I could get this with sensitive speakers. Mine are around 93 db/w/m. You know how some systems need to be cranked up a bit before they come to life - well, I did not want that at all. The other advantage of sensitive speakers is you can go to single-ended triodes - at least, I can in my room.

The combination I have now - Coincident Super Eclipse II and Welborne Lab Laurel IIx with new Western Electric 300Bs (I recently replaced my well loved TJ meshies) is very satisfying at low volumes.

I agree with those who have suggested electrostatics. Martin Logans are worth auditioning. Quite solid sounding and not all airy like you seem to think. They seem to have done a pretty capably job of dynamic woofer integration...
the reason why i like to listen at 70-75db is because most speakers start to scream at higher levels - my ears couldnt stand that.

i would like to listen at higher levels to gain more musical energy - if just the speakers wouldnt scream at all.

so the simple question would be :

least screaming speaker/amp combination with great instrument separation that delivers high energy and comes to live as early as possible ? (ok lets say 80db)

maybe i should also move to a larger room with larger speakers if i like to get the highest possible energy.