12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus

Rather interesting info here. Says a lot about popular culture.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmuzikat
I just hope that hip-hop/rap/modern R&B era will subside and guitar reefs, sax pyrotechnics, piano solos will increase their magnitude. Last 20 years it's been gradually getting thinner and thinner. Still didn't loose my hope for musical reincarnation. There are still guitars, pianos, violins, brass instruments for sale at the music stores. Hopefully they will be there.
The Fab 4 started as no better then a teen pop act so its all relative, there was nothing close to brilliant in the early days.
Chadnliz... How can you honestly say that the likes of Alice's Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie shouldn't be categorized as “brilliant”.
She loves you yea yea yea? I wanna hold your hand? Lady Gaga writes more intellectual lyrics then Beatles in their infancy. The Beatles became brilliant but at the start, not even close.