12 inch Graham Phantom

Anyone compared this to the 9" or 10" arm tube?

Well, with all deference to motion-in-the-ocean metaphors, my wife can empirically, emphatically, hysterically, orgasmically, verify my 14 inch Kraken-like length!

But, still, unlike Ozymandias - a real head-out-of-the-sand kinda guy - I continue to maintain my humility in the face of this awesome-ness, even as it is appended to my SELF...

Actually I, that is, ME, have, in fact, compared the 9" and the 10" and the 12" and the 13" arm tubes, and also have factored in the 16" tube, the one that Graham has only allowed certain select people to hear, much less listen to...

And, to maintain perfect objectivity in my endeavor, I had the tonearms - all of the tubes - rewired with Kondo 20yr annealed and tin-ed wire, installed during an eclipse. This, again, made me sure that the objective would tell me the subjective, so that I wouldn't have to ever listen again, much less hear.

Then I called Syntax and Derto to tell me what would complete this empiric loop of METHOD, verifying this DATA with that which was previously, and, in a temporal mystery, relayed to me by my good friends, Thomas Kuhn and Carl Popper.

And these perceptions, of course, I'm sure you understand, can only be initial impressions, mystical thought-traces, morphic resonounces, as it were...

(Insert: Drum roll)

And so, so, I thought that the terrior of the 9" was akin to a 1990 Ch. La Tour, properly cellared, of course - long, long long, on the decay. Then I inserted the Kondo-ed 13"; it seemed to come up from behind on the now-diminutive 10", rearing its, er, head, and introducing a filigreed nuance that is hard to describe, its harmonic depth and infinite spatial perspective ineffable to the cognitively-attched mind.

And the 16 inch? Please, please, I can not even go there, the syntaxial mind vapors too hard to hold...

And so, my final, God-like opinions, perceptions, divinings?

Well, again, I don't know.

But, I would be interested in the opinions of others...
Glai: just kidding around. nothing about you in my jest. people are just laughing.

I looked at your sytem. It is well thought out, we are alike.

A dabble in Prana or Jena wire instead of Stealth? A Shindo pre?

Glai, I took a look longer at your system, and see that you've heard some Shindo, now to Allnic. Its an interesting progression.
This is so far - heads and away - the most sophisticated and educational thread in the analog department in 2010.
But to add to the pure technical aspect of the question: yes, longer is better - obviously. In terms of geometry and in terms of - well .. - feeling. Anything less than 10" is not really serious and the real fun starts with 12".

Longer isn't always better. Some have complained that it hurts. Some like it shorter, some like it thicker, some thinner, and some like it just the way it is. For each there is an optimum length, thickness. Basically we are looking for that perfect synergy. Without it you need to move on.

I forget what I am talking about, women or cartridges?