2 Channel SS Preamp Suggestions

Hello A-goners,

I am in the final stages of making a preamp purchase to seperate a 2 channel system from my HT system with a preamp. I would really appreciate some feedback on the following SS units: Blue Circle CS (not the intergrated), Adcom GFP 750, Marsh P2000, Rotel RC 1090 and maybe your suggestions. I have a line on a BC 21.1 tube preamp if I decide for sure to go with tubes. My budget for SS preamp is up to $1500. Thanks to all in advance.
Classe CP-60 is a classic. I'm very happy with mine. It has a rich warm midband, without sounding a little dark, like some of the Classe amps can. It has balanced in's and out's remote and a Surround Sound Processor throughput to help integrate my HT and stereo. I left the high-end SSP game and have no intentions of returning. I just use a Denon receiver for HT, it only drives the surrounds. I run the FR & FL outs through the CP-60 SSP loop. Music is so much more rewarding. A friend of mine has a Sonic Frontiers Line 3 which sounds very nice also, but that isn't SS and is over your stated budget, so I won't go there.

Good luck,
If you can deal with four line inputs I HIGHLY recommend a used Pass Labs Aleph P preamp (usually sold between $1000 and $2000 depending on age and remote). They sold for $4000 new, are built like tanks, and they sound amazing. I doubt the ones you mention will compare. The Adcom model is actually a Nelson Pass design, so it will be like a junior version of the Aleph P.

One other bonus...Pass Labs is excellent to deal with as far a support goes.
I use a Belles 20A that has a pass through from the R+L outputs of the HT pre-amp into the R+L Video inputs of the pre.
It allows you to run a tube front end stereo that is independent from your HT or when set in the HT position the R+L passes through unaltered for multi-channel use.
A used 20A ranges from $880 - $1320.
Try www.powermodules.com for more detail.
