2way vs 3way speakers: different or is one "better"

Hello to all... 
Have another forum ongoing - asking about recommendations of 3 way bookshelf speakers, which led to off- topic referalls of 2 way bookshelf speakers.

SO - asking for input from those who have had experiences with both 2 and 3 way bookshelfs: is one better? More accurate? More real sounding? More PrAT?

ALSO: Suggestions/recommendations to get a new or vintage pair of either 2 or 3 way : stands stand 17" tall, want ability to bi or tri wire...

Thanks to all ... Be Well and Best Wishes.
The beauty of a book shelf speaker is the small cabinet which can really make the " box " disappear. I am reluctant to recommend a three way in a bookshelf. If you go with a bookshelf make sure the midrange is really satisfying, if it is you won't find yourself lusting after more bass. The common complaint on speakers, almost all speakers. If you find one that is easy to drive the you should if possible consider a small output tube amp. Don't buy the hype that all tube amps sound great, so you really want to make sure the tube amp gives you the wonderful midrange that is possible. 

Good luck
You somehow, some way forgot the *other design*,, The MTM design, which i;ve owned past 17 years and have no plans at *upgrading*,,or *adding a  2nd speaker system*
I perfer 2 way vs the midrange in the 3 way,,I perfer a  midtweeter vs a  midrange. Midrange , too forward. 
 Don't buy the hype that all tube amps sound great,

Yes a  good tube design should offer transparency, fidelity, dynamics, not adding any muddiness nor fatigue. .

What is the point of a midrange? To handle midrange frequencies better than a large woofer. Do bookshelf speakers have large woofers? No. So what is the point of a midrange in a bookshelf speaker?

Good question.