3D imaging

I I started thinking about this yesterday. What makes speakers produce a 3D image? I figured the first thing is the recording itself. I'm guessing mic placement has a lot to do with this. Next I would imagine is room,and speaker placement. Downstream gear certainly has to have some effect on this. Does the crossover have something to do with providing this "illusion " for lack of a better term? 
     Now please understand,I don't have anywhere near the technical knowledge a lot of you folks have,so as you explain this phenomenon,please dumb it down for me! 
    Thanks in advance,
millercarbon,do you use HFT's with traditional acoustic treatments,or are these applied alone?
Please try the exact opposite: move them further apart and toe them in, so they cross before your head. This was a recommendation of Living Voice for their loudspeakers and it works nicely for mine. You avoid a lot of wall reflections this way and have a wider sweet spot. You have to move around a little to find the best setting.

Good luck!
Actually when you move them farther apart the center image goes missing in action. As Bob Dylan sez at the end of all his albums, good luck! As I’ve oft mentioned on these fora the only real scientific way to find the absolute best locations for ANY speaker in ANY room is the speaker set up track on XLO Test CD and other similar test CDs. All other methods are only approximate. It’s like trying to solve x simultaneous equations in x + n unknowns. Some rooms there’s nothing you can do.
I've had the Chartwells for a couple of months now. I started placement farther out and toed in. About the same place that I have the Nola's set up. Sounded good,but the 3D imaging wasn't what I was looking for. I then started moving them a little closer,and bingo,we're getting there. Eliminated toe in,Shazam! Spooky 3D imaging! Today,I moved them about 6" closer,and my heart is going pitter patter. They say football is a game of inches,add the audio game to that.