3D lifelike sound and impeccable measurements - mutually exclusive???

The more I investigate gear the more it seems that it’s easy to get organic involving sound with flesh and body and a 3D immersive soundstage with the right matching of components but it also seems like it necessitates choosing some components that don’t measure well/add colorations/even order harmonics etc My question is are there components (specifically amps/preamps and integrateds) are out there that combine great measurements and in your mind also have that organic immersive sound that really helps many of us get more emotionally involved in the music or are these qualities mutually exclusive? 
I’m currently running an integrated (croft Phono Integrated with Harbeth) that’s firmly in the colorful and measurements be damned camp and combo sounds fantastic esp for the price but I’m interested in moving to the other camp If I can find an integrated or separates that fill both bills. 
I don't understand the question. Do you want what sounds good? Or what measures good? Don't say both. Life is full of choices. Nobody gets everything they want. Nothing is ever perfect. So your choice. Which one do you want? 
essentially you answered my question in your own way. Yes it’s a “can you have both” question - great measurements and organic involving sound or are they really mutually exclusive. By your answer you are saying that you believe they are exclusive and you pick one or the other. Understood. 
The thing with me, I’ll be fiddling with the tone controls. Flat measuring speakers are just that. LOL Who measured what? The measure of good sound is "HOW does it sound to YOU"? I don’t count on your preference, you shouldn’t count in mine...

For speakers I always look at materials, I love beautiful things, to a point...where’s the beef? 20k speakers you better have something besides 2 or 3 drivers in a box no mater what it’s made out of.
Everything else is window dressing.. Lookin cool is cool, but it ain’t 20k cool, 1/2 the cost in materials and options on finish.. Maybe..

You know why a 50k amps cost 50k? Because somebody paid that for it..
Wasn’t worth a nickel until someone paid that for it..

Flat measurements.. that went out the door as soon as you put ANY speaker in a room...AY? ANY SPEAKER and ANY ROOM.. They are all different..

I think a speaker CAN measure well and sound good, some more so than others.. I’m also a believer there is no substitution for the NUMBER of drivers. MORE IS BETTER... I don’t care what you own.. MORE IS BETTER...
No I don’t care if you haven’t learned that yet.. Just like BASS columns.. when your tired of the good sound you’ll try bass columns.. THEN you’ll finally hear what I like.. GREAT sound.. is there better? NO!

DB Servo array with NARROW MB columns and NARROW baffle monitors... I’m closer than I’ve ever been..
How do they measure? When the room is close to finished, I’m gonna start charging admission... :-)

I bet you I made 25 different horn shapes too.. 25 years of that crazy venture.. Sure is something about the RIGHT horn.. and about 2-4 watts playing LOUD and clear and just perfect... Billie Holiday Perfect is in the EARS of the beholder, ay OP?

Tap Tap.. Lambada, Amiga!
