40hz room mode RPG Modex Corner trap?

Hey guys,
Looking for some help with some room modes I am battling. Main offender is 40hz mode. (very typical with 8ft ceilings I suppose) I have several ASC tube traps that have helped a lot, but at this point the don't need much more broad bass damping just 40hz damping as the peak there is way above everything else.

So, two questions:

1. Has any one used the RPG Modex Corner trap?
Seems to be exactly what I need as they make a 40hz model. How effective are these? I think that to make a significant difference I may need so many that the cost will kill. Would 2-4 make a difference?

2. Any other ideas to kill the 40hz room mode short of an eq like the PARC?

Nikturner920...To my ears, with Channel Islands D-200 amps driving Magneplanar MG1.6 through 4 foot Goertz cables...YES.

However, if you determine audio quality by how much it costs, check out the Reference Audio Mods changes, available for the DEQ2496 and costing about $1500, including $600 output transformers said to reach the audiophile heights.

Again I repeat my mantra...Buy it for the RTA. The EQ will sell itself if you try it.
Interesting, just found your review post. What are you using for a source if I may ask? Seemed from you other post you go from the 2496 straight to the amps?

Nikturner920...Although I do have LP, my best source (IMHO) is a Denon 2900 with Underwood mod, via unprocessed pass through of Rotel 1066.

My three DEQ2496s are between the preamp and the power amps. It would be better to use a TAPE loop (unaffected by volume control) but that is not available for multichannel. I could put the DEQ2496s between the Denon and the Rotel, but then I could only use them for disc player programs.

For 2-channel you could run digital from a cheap player into the Behringer, which would be an equalizer and DAC rolled into one, and then out through a passive attenuator to the power amp. Lots of Bang for the Buck.