50 hours of research = 1 amp for Totem Sttaf

What would you choose? (3k-ish max)

I have come to the, Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II -- with Prima Luna Prologue Premium in second place.

Cary and Manley are double the price (@ 5k-ish) and Jolida/Cayin seem to receive a wide range of reviews. Vista Audio is currently out of product.

Solid States -- Nait, Rega, NAD, Bryston, Dayens, Sim, Creek, Musical Fedelity, Rotel, Plinius, Parasound... they all just seem a second option to tubes... but if I had to choose one here I’d go with the Supernait...but no real strong view here...

Appreciate any input...unfort I cannot listen to them all...(totem sttaf is 88db)

(looking at Mytek Brooklyn to complete setup)

Q. Which of the SIMAUDIO integrateds  with Totem you may ask?

A. your budget drives that. Say, a used i5?

I've owned both the ARROS and FORESTS simultaneously in prior systems so I know their strengths and warts well, and the STAFFS are between them in their product line with a strong lean towards the ARROS in comparison.

i would not go hog-wild and buy a premium priced integrate amp with the price/performance output limitations of where the STAFF resides... It won't save you  and certainly won't drive you to the next level in performance.

A) In simpler words, tailor your choice of amp unit to the lower to mid price units at best as a preferred price/performance match to the STAFFs.

As a general rule, more "grunt" in the Amos is best with Totems ... WPC by themselves are meaningless and Totems crave hi-current amps. Rarely will you find them partnered at the audio expos with anything other than hi-current hi-WPC SS gear . That in itself is a noteworthy point to consider ... Ergo the SIM, Plinius, AYRE brand leanings thst they frequently use.

I have test-driven my Totems  with top-of-the line CARY tube amps  and found the listed SS integrated amps all bested it , and the differences were not subtle. 

Yes, SIMAUDIO also has its own DAC ( a fine piece). Google  the specs and reviews...better still go audition it with an all Totem/SIM setup.
wow that's interesting -- I thought class A with lower WPC would be better than a SS with higher WPC?

what's your view on the NAIM versus SIM?

Thought this was a Manley Stingray, Magnum 2 and Prologue Premium race?!  can anyone else chime in here...

Lots of opinions here. Have you contacted Totum or get a consensus of what manufacturer mates well?  A good tube amp with beefy power supplies will push them just fine IMO. I would think a cheaper SS amp may give a nice punch but isn't going to sound very well where it counts most. The mids. Again my opinion only :)  
well the sim i-5 and magnum, manley, primaluna all have models around the same price new...i just don't have the chance to try them all with my speakers...