5AR4 rectifier tubes - Chinese or Russian?

I'm needing to replace 2 - 5AR4 rectifier tubes in my Primaluna Prologue 3 preamp. Kevin at Upscale Audio has both the Sovtek and Shuguang tubes for $15 bucks each. The next step up is the Japanese tube at $45 each.

The tubes I'm replacing are original so I assume they are the Chinese model and I haven't tried rolling in any others. Should I stick with the Sovtek/Shuguang or step up to the Japanese or other tube replacements?

About 11 years ago I bought a boutique guitar amp--a Top Hat Club Deluxe, which is all tube PTP wired, and also used a GZ34/5AR4 rectifier. I decided to replace the Sovtek tubes and Chinese rectifier with new old stock US and European tubes. The NOS preamp and power amp tubes were affordable enough at the time (if you knew where to look), but all the US and European NOS rectifiers were well over $100. I decided to compromise and got an RCA-Japan 5AR4 for $25. I'm glad I did. Word from the vintage guitar gear enthusiasts was that a poorly made rectifier tube could kill your amp. My RCA-Japan has been exemplary. Its price sits on the low side between a Chinese tube and a US-Euro NOS, but its dependability is like the US-Euro NOS.

So to me, the Japanese tubes are worth the extra money over a Chinese tube for the peace of mind.
Having a little trouble locating a matched pair of Mullard NOS or rebranded or even used testing new. I guess I'll be out of tunes for a while, unless I rotate in my old Marantz integrated amp in the meantime.

By the way, it seems that Upscales price on the Japanese tubes is $60 so if I could find Mullards new or used for 85 -100 each that'll be the way I go.

Thanks for everyone's input.

By the way, Kevin Deal said he'd spend his money on the 12AU7s and 12AX7s and not worry about expensive rectifiers,

By the way, Kevin Deal said he'd spend his money on the 12AU7s and 12AX7s and not worry about expensive rectifiers,

Kevin knows what he's talking about and I would pay attention if I were you. Prima Luna are his product line and he knows them as good as anyone. People here probably responded to your query the way they did because of the way you stated your question.

12AX7's - I really liked Tungsrams in another application (a different amp), which can be find re-labled as Amperex. I haven't had much experience with 12AU7's so could not comment.
I would invest in high quality, NOS small signal tubes first as well(like some good Amperex). They(the tubes in the signal path) will always provide the biggest bang for the buck. Still- Why would you want to rob yourself of all that the unit could offer, by not upgrading the power supply as well? Either shop further for the Mullard GZ34s, or pop for the Japanese knock offs, after you experience the signal tube upgrades. Then you can quantify what each step provided in presentation. BTW: Being they are in the power supply, there's no need for the rectifier tubes to be all that closely matched. You just don't want any kind of crazy disparity between them.