6922 tube rolling recommendations

I've been tube rolling tubes in my Bel Canto SEP-1 preamp.
I've gone from Sovteks to Jan NOS to Mullard(1970's version I think....$35/ea from Triode Elec) The Mullards sound much better...quieter background, better top end extension...it's really sparked my curiosity about trying other NOS tubes. I see VTS selling various Telefunken, Siemens, Amperex, and other older Mullards. Can anyone recommend a good step up from my current Mullard gold pins?
I have tried Telefunken CCa's, Telefunken 6DJ8's (ECC88), Amperex 6DJ8's, Mullard 6DJ8's, Telefunken 6922's (E88CC), Telefunken 7308's (E188CC) as well as Telefunken and Tungsram versions of 12AX7 in my CAT Ultimate. I don't think that anyone can tell you very much about what will work in your system unless they have every piece of equipment you have. I recently made a change in speakers from Snell C/V to Vandersteen 3A Signature, a change which one wouldn't expect to be huge, since both speakers are on the warmish side. The difference was huge and forced me to completely reevaluate all the interconnects and cables which I was using PLUS the tubes in the preamp. Tubes that I was going to sell before now sounded excellent and the tubes which I was using had to be reconsidered. The only way is to listen yourself with at least the speakers and preamp you intend to use and then to make your own decisions.
Thanks for all of your responses.....Longplate has been so gracious as to hook me up with some spare amperex tubes....cool deal. Rayhall....I agree with you on system synergy...I'm most likely changing amps soon (SS to SET...big change), so I'll need plenty of tubes on hand to find the combination that works best (the jota I'll be demoing uses this tube, and comes stock with a brimar I think?) I'm keeping the rest of my equipment for a while.
I'll let ya know how it all works out.
I don't have the same pre-amp (I have an Audible Illusions 3A), but when I pulled out the Russian tubes and put in some Volvo (1963 tubes)6DJ8/6922's from the Parts connection, it blew me away! I've tried several others, but these have been the best in my set up.
I own the Bel Canto sep 1 which came with amperex 6922's. I hated the sound of the pre-amp (harsh and shrilly) I decided to change to telefunken 6922's to give it one more chance to shine.(By the way Kevin Deal woundn't sell me the telefunken 6922's to me because I bought my pre-amp through Audiogon) With the telefunken in place the sound is richer with more resolution. The difference between the two tubes was astonishing. best of luck Harvey
Run a search in the archives of the "tubes" section of audioasylum.com and you'll have more opinions than you know what to do with. Also have a look at "Joe's Tube Lore" in the FAQ section. But it's all equipment/system sensitive, so ymmv with any of this. Personally, I like Tungsram E88cc's in my Melos MA-333. Have fun, Jim