6L6 tube?

I have never listened to this tube in equipment, but I'm curious. I have experince with kt88, 6550, and el34. Can anyone tell what the 6l6 sounds like compared to these? Bass, mids, etc. Also what brand would you suggest buying ( preferably under $40 each ) in both nos, and current tubes?

thanks in advance.....
I had a tri-tube modded Mesa Baron for a while and tried all sorts of tubes. I ended up liking the Svetlana 6L6GC's best in that amp. I got better bass & midrange (IMO) from the Svet 6L6 than any EL34 or 5881 that I tried. And it was quite a few.
The sound you get, will ultimately be determined, by the circuit, the tubes, are placed in. The American 6L6's, were so good, ie; rugged, reliable, powerful, that Mullard had to invent, a tube, to compete(the EL34) The best, is generally considered, the TungSol 5881/6L6WGB. They can be had, for around $40 each. But GE, RCA, and Sylvania, made 6L6GC's, that sound very good also. They are not as powerful, as EL34's, so your speakers, could greatly affect the sonics, as far as efficiency. They tend to be sweeter, with richer mids.
BTW, ( by the way ) Has anyone heard of a tube called a 6N3C? I have hear is a repalcement for the 6L6.
Never mind I figured it out myself. The 6NC3 is a Russian tube that can be used as a 6L6. Except the " N " is actually a letter/symbol in the Russian language that we don't have on our keybaord.

In case anyone has bothered to read this thread. Now you know.......