706v Weekend Enjoyment

I was at my in-law's house on Saturday and finally had the opportunity to spend a few hours with the Focal 706v speakers that I helped him get a few months ago. The room is still in transition from moving and the audio system will never be a primary concern, but they still sound nice for what they are. I dialed them in a bit for the primary listening position and finally got setup where they had a decent soundstage. When I arrived one of the speakers was pointed into the side of the newly aquired audio cabinet. Makes me shutter a bit, but I knew that they would never be setup the way I would choose. My father-in-law loves listening to music and they sound significantly better than what he had before no matter what he does with them. He's using my old Onkyo TX-SR606 receiver and it seems to limit the speakers in direct mode. I'm really glad that I upgraded my reciever as I don't feel like my Focals are limited in direct mode, but certainly know they have a lot more capability than I'm getting out of them.

After a few hours of enjoyment listening to the speakers setup fairly well, I was still extremely happy to come home to my Focal 836v speakers and Integra 50.1 receiver. Everything that I enjoy with my father-in-laws system just get's better with mine.

I think the best way to make your system sound better is to spend some time listening to one that isn't an equal and your appreciation will grow.
It sounds like you could easily stop by my house and go home quite happy with your system.

The difference between my approx. 5k system and my father-in-laws approx 1.5k is really easy to hear. I probably wouldn't spend a lot more if it literally took hours or days of listening to notice the systems "problems."
I guess I should be more careful the way I word things , even on a one paragraph blog . The friends system I was referring to is worth about $35000. not that this is important . I do here many deficency's right away but it wasn't until I listened for much longer that I became less comfortable with the sound . It's much the same when I install my back up amp, A Mark Levinson#38 preamp . the sound stage shrinks the detail is less , I could go on and on , but I enjoy listing to it none the less . After a few days I'm ready to go back . And then I'm satisfied the money I spent , was well spent . MAX
You may have successfully eliminated yourself from the enjoyment of music listening in any normal environment. I'd love to hear your system.