Moreover, it has been my experience that when passive preamps have been used (or no preamp at all) and the most simple, but elegant solid state circuits have been employed, the sound that has resulted has been the most amusical I have ever heard in my 30-plus years in audio. leave the "glowing bottles" behind to embrace the cold, unvarnished realty of solid state.
The Psychic says,
High end is who you are, not what you buy.
My system is passive preamp based, 100% solid state and it's incredibly musical, even without using my classic Marantz Esotec monoblocks. I use a direct drive TT and a belt drive CD transport--both heavily modded. This system is designed to run off a single 30 amp, 220V dedicated line feeding 220V/110V stepdown isolation transformer/filters. Sorry, but reality had to step in.
With psychic power and primal intensity,