$800 Cartridge Shootout and Upgrade Path

I am putting together an analog system, starting with the cartridge. I like a well-balanced sound with a slightly lush midrange and excellent extension at the frequency extremes. The cartridge should be a reasonably good tracker. Here are my choices:

1. Dynavector Karat 17D MkII
2. Shelter 501
3. Sumiko Black Bird
4. Grado Statement Master
5. Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood

Which one comes closest to my wish list? Which one would you choose?

Here are the upgrade cartridges to the above list, one of which would be purchased later:

1. Shelter 901
2. Benz Micro L2
3. Grado Statement Reference
4. Koetsu Black

Which one comes closest to my wish list? Which one would you choose?

Now, which turntable/tonearm combination (for new equipment up to $4,500) would you choose to handle a cartridge from the first group and the upgrade cartridge from the second group?

Any help you can provide is greatly welcomed. Thanks!
I pretty much had the same thought process as you regarding table selection, artar. I expelled the VPI because I dun like MDF. However, instead of going with a mass loaded platter design ie Teres, I went with a decoupled platter design as one of my finalists with the other one being the Gyro SE, a "sprung" design. I thought a decoupled platter would come close to getting the positive attributes of both table designs.

I am backing away from the encounter since my last post though. I have the OL Silver now and want to try something different. I am thinking RS Labs' RS-A1.
Artar 1,

Excellent narrative of the process most of us have to go through when choosing a vinyl front end these days. With so few dealers left it's nearly impossible to see, touch or hear most of the legitimate contenders, especially in the middle to higher price ranges.

I thoroughly agree with you regarding MDF. By far the weakest component in our system is the Salamander Synergy rack. Top, bottom and shelves are all MDF. Decently veneered and finished MDF, but as you say it's still just glorified sawdust. Our rack choices were sharply limited by visual concerns (there's that conflict again). It's sitting in our living room, where an open rack of audio gear was simply not acceptable.

The MDF top and shelves are much too ringy for best audio performance. Frank Schroeder recently commented that the length of fibers in MDF is too short for optimal damping behavior, compared to the long fibers in his wooden armtubes or, one supposes, in the hardwood base of a Teres. The base and platter of my 265 are far less resonant than the shelf it's sitting on.

Eagerly awaiting your chapter two...
Artar, I too have long been considering a TT upgrade, and the Teres has been on/at the top of my short list since TWL pointed it out in a thread I started here some time ago. (I, however, will probably spring for the 150 or 160 model for reasons of budget, and use it with my OL-modded RB-250. I'm almost there...)

Among the other 'tables on your list, I auditioned (and was very impressed by) the Gyro SE. The standard VPI Scout didn't impress me as much (at least in the context of the dealer system I heard it in, which was far less expensive than the one in which I heard the Gyro SE). I haven't yet heard the Scoutmaster.

I'm looking forward to "part two" of your post, and to hearing what your thoughts are once you have the 245 up and running.

So as not to totally trash the product, MDF does have uses in audio, speaker cabinets for example. And there are also different formulas for MDF. But one should be judicious in where it is applied. As a former owner of a MDF-based TT I completely agree with the sentiments expressed here regarding its use as a plynth material.

I feel your Salamander pain, DougDeacon. I was using an Architype stand prior to building my own.

I am on a path to get to the decision point Artar is now at. I chose to make my decision between a mid to upper Basis line table and a Teres. I now have the Basis and hope to get started on the Teres after the New Year, if the gods continue to smile on my business. I'm hoping that my own little shoot out between these two makes will answer many of my questions regarding suspended vs. non-suspended, wood vs. acrylic, etc, etc. Since I can't do this in someone's showroom I decided to do it in my listening room. Talk about expensive hobbies. . .!

I have really enjoyed reading your Part 1 synopsis of your decision-making journey; very well written. Thank you for sharing this! I look forward to reading Part 2.

With regards,