Thanks for the compliment regarding my narrative!
I know what you mean about there not being enough dealers available to demonstrate high-quality analog front ends. I guess we are lucky in the Bay Area because we have the Analog Room. They have a lot of nice equipment, but I must point out that they do not carry Teres or Origin Live. : > (
I have two systems. One sits in my living room in an open rack. Luda, amazingly enough, didn't object! She uses that system to play her Russian music and I use it when she is watching Russian TV in the family room where my other system resides. Sometimes I find myself in the living room nursing a glass of wine and listening to jazz or classical music as I await my turn in the family room. Lucky for me the family-room TV will disappear soon and will be replaced by a Steward FireHawk screen. Whoopee! In compensation, Luda gets two, or maybe three TVs!
I wasn't aware that MDF rang like a cowbell! Well, I'm exaggerating a little. All of my speakers are made of it to one degree or another, including the chambers that house the woofers of my Martin Logans.
By the way, part two is coming; I just need an opportunity to write it.