80s Levinson Gear - Best Repair/Refurbish?

Hey ’Goners, here’s the question: I have an ML-26 preamp, an ML-12 preamp, and an ML-23 power amp, all in need of various amounts of repair/refurbishing.

I’m in the Chicago area but there may be nothing local.

I’d appreciate suggestions for the best spot to have all this work done. I think the gear is worth it.

Thanks for the advice!
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Is there anything to be said for the Levinson authorized repair centers?  Or does it not matter with gear of this vintage?
Audio Classics says they don't repair Levinson.  Any other suggestions or are my options limited to their authorized repair centers?  I definitely want it done right, refurbished to last a long time...
Historically, the issue with Levinson is that they will not release schematics or a parts list to non-authorized repair depots.