8K for a one-time listen?

As someone who can appreciate the potential value of $20K speaker wires in an appropriate system, this is over the top, even for me.  Devialet is issuing recordings on actual lacquer for $7900, but the kicker is - they can only be listened to ONCE.  And the lacquer wears away.  All I can say is - Actually, I have nothing to say.  
Here it is in case you wish to indulge. 

I don't know what the music is but for $8k you could hire a decent 2nd class string quartet, a hall and invite your friends as they did in the old days. Probably enough to have a reception afterwards. That would be a night to remember.
If i told you what i really thought, even about someone who thougt $20k speaker wires reflected sanity, a moderator would HAVE to delete it STAT! just sayin.
What *IS* the point of being a billionaire oligarch, drug lord, 3rd world dictator or president of the United States if you can't have things nobody else can?  You play that record as you open that 1873 Rothschild Pinot while entertaining the Sultan of Oman.
I'd only purchase this if I could get Bugatti to install a turntable in my Chiron
I wonder how these would sound on my old Spiderman turntable.
Seriously though, would one make a good investment, to positively soak the hell out of the same well-healed types that could afford one in the first place?
Not that I have any animus toward the wealthy.