$8k for speakers - new or used

With an $8k budget, what floor standing speaker would you recommend?  Currently have B&W 804 D3.  Levinson #333 amp, McIntosh pre amp.  Thx


Nice speakers. Based upon the overalls of the amp I would get that moving out of my possession ASAP. I just don’t feel maintenance on an amp is replacing the caps every 8yrs or so. Reselling the B&W’s and adding $8k will get you both a newer more reliable amp and a set of speakers noted above. A small amp like the 252 will run out of oomph really fast with the B&W's

I am living on borrowed time with the amp….  I have not had to replace the caps yet.  

You could get used Maggie 3.7i with a couple of subs should fill the bill. Not sure how they would pair with the Macs. 

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+1 @jasonbourne71   Revel Salon 2's while you can find them.  Used should be about 9K.  We agree this time!  :)