$9.99 CD Alert at Tower Records


As a part of my belief that the price of a CD should be $9.99, I want to let everyone know that this weekend Tower Records is featuring over 15000 CDs for $9.99 or less.

Enjoy buying a CD for a price that would be a win - win for the record companies, stores, and US!
Thanks for the recommendation Trelja. I shopped online (it's easy to narrow the search to the discounted prices -- just click on the big $9.99 area). Spent too much probably; but I'm really going to enjoy the music when it arrives.
Metrella, I have the ad here if you need me to mail it to you. I found it in this past Friday's Philadelphia Inquirer. The flyer listed the stores from northern Virginia to Pennsylvania.

They list the $9.99 in many different places. It's kind of this way here and that way there. They do list 15000 CDs are on sale every time they say $9.99, but in a couple of places they say "These titles".

I do not think this lack of clarity and saying different things is intentional. Writing for people outside your group is incredibly hard. People get into a mindset where they think they are being 1000% clear, but anyone else reading what they wrote begins scratching their head.

Anyway, I do hope that some have good luck with this sale. Enjoy!
Went to the sale and it was very confusing. All 12.99 stuff rang up as 9.99, but some 18.99 stuff like The White Stripes Elephant was 9.99 also. I asked the guy to help me and he gave me their circular that had like 50 or 60 titles and was no help at all. When I asked why the 9.99 cd's weren't labeled that way he said : "the sale is only 3 days and it was too much work to change all the prices for such a short sale." I should've just bought online. The store BTW was fairly empty. (Paramus N.J.)