I agree, Halcro, that the proof's in the pudding. But what does Thucan's and other's rejection or, at any rate, lukewarm reception of this tt prove?
We lack an explanation. It might be, gasp!, the sound of the separate tonearm pod that explains their displeasure. It might be that the bearing design isn't what it's cracked up to be. It might be...etc., etc..
Yay or nay judgments, even if true, take us only so far. That's why, loathe as I am to engaging in technical discussions, it interests me in this case because it might alter deliberations I actually have. For instance, knowing more about that 'q' value could influence future pod material and dimension choices.
Ecir38: cool pics, thanks. Do you know/did you note how the height of the arm tower is adjusted?
We lack an explanation. It might be, gasp!, the sound of the separate tonearm pod that explains their displeasure. It might be that the bearing design isn't what it's cracked up to be. It might be...etc., etc..
Yay or nay judgments, even if true, take us only so far. That's why, loathe as I am to engaging in technical discussions, it interests me in this case because it might alter deliberations I actually have. For instance, knowing more about that 'q' value could influence future pod material and dimension choices.
Ecir38: cool pics, thanks. Do you know/did you note how the height of the arm tower is adjusted?