I would think the Roksan would be better than the Nad, we had a Roksan Black on trial for a few days and it was good, we just felt that it wasn't better than our other integrated amps with dacs but it was very good.
As per subs we had the SVS SB 13 on trial trade in, and it was a bit boomy the JL Audio was much faster.
The Adante sub just arrived yesterday, so after we have a chance to play with that one we can tell you what we think of the sub.
The Elac woofer may be an excellent choice due to the fact that it is designed probably with the AS 61's in mind
Will post findings after we have gotten it burned in and setup.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I would think the Roksan would be better than the Nad, we had a Roksan Black on trial for a few days and it was good, we just felt that it wasn't better than our other integrated amps with dacs but it was very good.
As per subs we had the SVS SB 13 on trial trade in, and it was a bit boomy the JL Audio was much faster.
The Adante sub just arrived yesterday, so after we have a chance to play with that one we can tell you what we think of the sub.
The Elac woofer may be an excellent choice due to the fact that it is designed probably with the AS 61's in mind
Will post findings after we have gotten it burned in and setup.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ