"The original poster thinks there are sonic differences between cables. That's great, if he's happy why should I try to convince him otherwise"
Rja, I don't think you read through this thread carefully, I didn't read anywhere where anyone was trying to convince anyone about anything but their personal experiences. The Truthsayers were the disbelievers that essentially stated its all a bunch of hogwash based on an implied group think philosophy (Rok2id's "I don't think you have fully understood the implications of the philosophy that permeates this site." comment) What kind of bulls..t is that? I am personally insulted by that remark. Look around this site, different folks with different ideas and different tastes. I'm not trying to convince anyone, just relaying MY personal experiences as did the OP in his opening.
The point isn't to prove a point but to relay personal experiences. It isn't an article of faith it is trusting the two apendages on either side of your head and not relying TOTALLY on measurements that may but may not totally explain what we are hearing.
The real guys with the religion are the guys that buy into the science with the BELIEF that all that we hear can be measured, end of story. I don't care if they believe that all I'm here to do is share what I can hear without trying to prove anything to anybody.