A new horn is brewing in the cauldron?

I was looking at classifieds and ran into a tekton model.

But, my curiosity has risen more about the speaker in the background instead, which doesn’t seem to be listed on their website.

It looks kinda like a B&C horn paired w/dual 15s maybe... seems smaller than the Jubilee, maybe the size of a Klipschorn...

Any Tektonians from constellation Tekton have a clue on what model this is?





Thanks for that one! It is a common and inexcusable error. I have a close friend who uses it that way all of the time in texts, and I just grit my teeth.

She also writes ect instead of etc, no matter how many times I write etc, and she writes ruff and tuff instead of rough and tough.

I want to ask her in a good-natured way how she came to start spelling ruff and tuff that way, but friends tell me it would be rude no matter how I asked.



@hillbilly559 , Would it be a fair assumption to say that many of his models are different types of designs/sound signatures across the map, i.e., you are not climbing some house sound sonic ladder or whatever when you go up in price, as is the case with some other brands.


However, I do believe Eric may be testing the water with that picture.

I have the Perfect SETs and love them. MOABs will be next.