I recently did an A B test between the following 2 setups: A. Streaming Tidal master tracks through Roon ROCK NUC7 hard wired to ethernet with cat7 cables. The NUC is powered by the stock SMPS. The endpoint is PS Audio Perfect wave Mk II DAC with Bridge II. B. Streaming Tidal Masters from Android app moto z4 via tidal connect over wifi to iFi Zen Stream connected via AudioQuest USB cable to the PS Audio Perfect Wave. The rest of the system includes a highly modified GFA-555 powering Dunlavy SM-1's and a single channel GFA-5500 (modified) powering a Dunlavy SC-S2 sub through active crossover.
The difference was significant. The B system was by far better. The mid bass tighter and more punchy, the highs crystal clear natural and detailed. The soundstage was more defined.
I like Roon and it appeals to the DIY in me, but not sure I need it now... I only stream music, so it would seem the added functionality for many is a big part of it. I realize my Roon Core is in need of a clean power supply and fanless case etc., and I could build an optical lan, but would that be better sound than system B?