a remarkably basic question about Roon

I'm considering trying out Roon and, despite hours spent on their too-busy website, I'm still not entirely sure what it would do for me. (Trying to get through their "support" section is an exercise in misery all around.) 

Here's my clueless question. I currently stream music through a Bryston BDP. I use the Bryston software, "Manic Moose," on my laptop or phone to create playlists, move between digital sources (flash drive, Qobuz, radio), and as a remote control for volume, song choice, etc. The Bryston software isn't at all elegant but it's functional.

So, if I get Roon, would I be doing the same thing from the Roon app on my laptop or phone? Would I be completely bypassing "Manic Moose"? and doing everything on the Roon app, including such things as volume and song selection? I understand that Roon is an effective organizer of music from multiple sources; is it also a "media player?? (I have a traditional two-channel set-up and don't do multiple rooms.) The Manic Moose software is clunky enough that I'd consider swapping it out for Roon, if that's in fact what I would be doing. 



Far from it @shooter41. If it’s not relevant then I don’t raise it. Struggling to see how it would not be directly relevant to how people found a UI. 

@northman do you have outstanding queries about Roon? How have you been finding it since you started your trial? You’ve not posted at all on this second page aside from the above request. Thoughts on the interface? Recommendations “engine” etc?

I feel fortunate in that my initial trial with it left me feeling somewhat under-whelmed by sound and UI but then I was rather over-taken by events and the Innuos Sense app. However, it’s always interesting to get other sensible impressions in case there’s some “must have” that you’ve/I’ve missed. 

There has been some dissatisfaction from some older users in relation to 1.8 and an overwhelming sense that Roon are becoming a little Devialet like in their approach to customers in terms of largely disengaging. New users seem less unhappy so I’d be interested to hear where you sit. 

I and others have tried engaging them with regard to the UI and accessibility. It seems they will go their own way regardless. That seems to me to carry risks. Although it was suggested earlier that they’re not small I would say that there is some confusion on the matter. The user base world wide is 100,000 or less. That should not be confused with the number of manufacturers who have signed up to certify etc. That potentially provides a false sense of security in terms of things like lifetime membership. Lots of devices come with Spotify or Tidal Connect. Partly because some people use them and partly because manufacturers cannot afford to be perceived to be providing less functionality than others. Much as I love Qobuz I do wonder whether I’d have bought an Innuos if it only had full Qobuz integration. Not everybody with Roon Ready or Certified devices will use Roon and indeed the stats suggest the exact opposite. Indeed Innuos devices are a fine example. All work brilliantly with Roon but most users are dropping it because it can’t now match the SQ via Sense.

Thanks for asking. I haven't joined the fray here simply because I know so comparatively little about streaming technologies and equipment.That said, I've had Roon for about a week and I love it! I admit, though, that I may be like a man who has never seen a flower and is overwhelmed by the discovery of a dandelion. Perhaps there are orchids and birds of paradise up ahead.... 

Like others, I never understood why I should buy something that seems like just a nifty version of what I already own. For a few years now I annually have looked at the Roon website and found it bright and shiny--and not in a good way. So I'm quite surprised by how much I like it. Call me shallow but I love the easy interface that allows me to move easily between internet radio, my stored music files, and Qobuz.  (Yes, I KNOW--I could do all this before I got Roon. But it's so much nicer now!)

I can't yet respond to the big question: how does Roon affect sound quality, if at all. There are too many variables in play for me at the moment (in my system but also in my life). That's up ahead. 

I have a few quibbles, naturally, though I may just not yet understand all the features. While they talk the "audiophile" game, I wouldn't bet a nickel on their customer support. It looks to me like they put a lot of their energy into marketing some kind of bougie lifestyle. Blah. Still, I will report that I've already been emailing with Andrew at Small Green Computer, researching $$$ ethernet cables, pondering "bridges," and the like. Better and best, I've been listening to music. This may be the honeymoon period but I am enjoying it. (Ask me again in three months....)

Oh, and yes, plenty of queries, coming soon.

My take on Roon is that they've developed some features and functions, and combinations thereof, that are unique and it's the best multi-zone music library software available.

That said, it is also very buggy and flakey, and the Roon development team has some very odd takes on what the software should represent.  Roon was developed on a multi-platform video game development kit and it has its limitations.  This allows Roon to work on many more platforms without dedicated programming for each one, but it also limits what can be done where other software is much more capable.

So, enjoy Roon, and try not to get frustrated when you get in deep and something just doesn't go right, but understand you're not alone.  

Roon is a love/frustrate sort of thing...