A Shocking Experience

Recently, I have begun to pick up electrical shocks from my TT. I believe it is static because once it discharges, I can touch the platter again without shocks until I walk across the room again to change LP. This just started happening a few weeks ago and is quite annoying because the charges are quite large and even produced a small spark that was visible, I really felt that one! The TT is TNT VPI, and all LPs are first cleaned with VPI cleaner and are all treated with LAST preservative. The room is carpeted and I am not barefoot. The ground wire is intact and the connection seems okay. I normally walk about 15 feet across the carpet to change the LP and this occurs each time I put a new LP on the platter. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.
I work in a medical clinic that has a number of electrical products and carpeted floors. We had a similiar problem with static electricity that actually shorted out a very expensive piece of equipment. We have purchased a carpet spray that reduces the static electricity, I believe it is available at Radio Shacks and computer stores.
Might try changing to a different pair of shoes; different rubbers and plastics have a wide variation in their tendency to build up static charge.
If you use a grounding strip to discharge yourself, you can avoid the shock by carrying a metal object in your hand, like a nail. Touch the nail to the grounding strip and it will arc to the nail and you won't feel it. If you live in a cold climate and get shocked getting out of your car in the winter you can use the same trick with your car keys.
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Thank you all very much, I will be trying some combinations of the above and will post the results here shortly.

Regards, Robert Craig