About to buy Aerial 9s, BUT want to ask first...

Hi folks, I have auditioned the Aerial 9s and the newer 7t. Although they are quite different, I LOVE both of them. I am leaning to the 9, largely because they can easily be found used at my target price of around $5k. I have three other speakers on my short list: Revel Ultima Studios, Dali Helicon 800MKII, and Coincident Total Victory II. QUESTION: Can I just go ahead and pull the trigger and buy the Aerial 9s? Or do I really need to listen to Dali and Revel first? Note that I am in Boise and would have to fly somewhere to listen to Revel and Dali. (I heard the Aerial's in Portland, Oregon)
I do realize the final preference will be a matter of my own taste... and to be honest I am just trying to justify a quikc buy. You guys need to slap my hand and tell me to listen to the others first if that is what you think. BTW, smallish room with tube amps (from flea power SET to 100WPC el-34). Almost exclusively spin vinyl. Please do not suggest the Revel Salon or the Aerial 20T or other speakers in the $8K plus range used. I am not going to spend that much this year.
Thanks for all the thoughtful responses. I am going to wait for a deal on the 7T. There is a pair for sale here for $7500, which is good, but I am holding firm at $5K. (If I go to $7500, then why not $9K? then $11K, then... ) Nope. $5K is a lot of money for me already! I need to save some for turntables, amps, skis, cars, vacations, etc. Hahaha!
I would look for a different speaker. I have never heard of anyone coming down $2500 in price. I don't think you will ever find this speaker at your dream price, unless it's pretty damaged.
in reference to the dali's, I auditioned the helicons, although they sounded very good, they are way to directional for me, if you sit off axis they lose alot, personally I am saving towards the new aerial 7t.
I think it's always best to buy what one really wants. If you bought the 9 you'll always want the 7, and never really enjoy the 9 anyway. That said if your budget is absolutely $5k and for the foreseeable future the 7 will be more than you can spend then you have a decision to make. Because what you don't want to be is that bozo that makes the ridiculous low ball offers of $5k on $7.5k speakers :-)
Tojohndillonesq: Did you ever make a decision on the 7t's? I am seriously thinking about the 7t's and Dali 400 Helicon MKii's as well. I've heard both but not on my own system. I only heard the 7t's on ARC reference gear and Levinson $25,000 mono blocks, so yeah, they sounded good. The Dali's were on a much less expensive setup and I thought they're sound stage and spaciousness was similar to the 7t's.