About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?


Having being thoroughly entertained by this whole thread, I thought at times, Where is Judge Judy? or at other times the hilarious lines from Abbot and Costello,Who’s on first base…… etc.

The other peculiarity is (and don’t take this personally Ted), the photo of Ted standing in front of the drinks counter, daylight shining through the large windows in the background, the time is 2:23 am!

 I honestly do not know how a thread could deteriorate to a libellous push and shove. This is why I no longer participate very much. Oh, I read most of the postings to see if there is anything new I can learn.

Please keep it civil and in the spirit of AGON.

Adrian 🇦🇺

… hilarious lines from Abbot and Costello ….

Tony and Peter?

@holmz Two politicians walk into a bar.



I see Teddy 3 is playing the *run squealing to the moderators game* … No great surprise given his track record of making posts containing uncomfortable reading disappear…