Absorption behind components and speakers rationale?

I get that absorption panels are used to absorb the first reflection and limit reverberations is a good idea.  And a rug and maybe some additional panels help absorb Rogue Sonic waves.

But what's the rationale for including absorption panels behind the system.  I have a window door behind my system and maybe this is impacting things in a negative way.

Just looking for a simple easy to understand rationale because not very smart.



Incredible comment and I understood what was said which is pretty remarkable for someone like me.

I think the pressure up in the front of the room and having it bounce back and degrade the signal coming from the speakers is of note. Smearing is an interesting term.

It appears as if those Bubos acoustical panels from Amazon are only 0.4 " thick.


I know, so I may need to double them up.  I may need to find different ones without the full back adhesive which I found on others. 



Absorption behind speakers can reduce bass cancellation. As you move the speakers out into the room a different bass frequency is affected. The bass traps reduce this cancellation.

Behind speakers is usually to clean bass reflections. But this means panels must be THICK (2" and up) and/or use cylindrical traps in corners