A couple of options are...
If you can connect your computer to the DAC, then you can get iTunes for windows an control it with your iPhone
If you cannot connect the computer to the DAC, then you could get an apple TV and use that to stream from your computer with itunes via a wireless link.
I have used both these methods and I prefer the optical output from my Imac to the dac, because I can stream at 24/96 kHz.
There is a FREE android app called Retune, which allows you to control iTunes (both apple and windows version) via a very intuitive user interface.
Consolidating libraries in iTunes can be a challenge - especially using wave files - since metadata is not held in the wave file, so iTunes dumps everything into a single folder.
There are many other options, but for me ,iTunes has the best interface I have used to date.
If you can connect your computer to the DAC, then you can get iTunes for windows an control it with your iPhone
If you cannot connect the computer to the DAC, then you could get an apple TV and use that to stream from your computer with itunes via a wireless link.
I have used both these methods and I prefer the optical output from my Imac to the dac, because I can stream at 24/96 kHz.
There is a FREE android app called Retune, which allows you to control iTunes (both apple and windows version) via a very intuitive user interface.
Consolidating libraries in iTunes can be a challenge - especially using wave files - since metadata is not held in the wave file, so iTunes dumps everything into a single folder.
There are many other options, but for me ,iTunes has the best interface I have used to date.