Acoustic resonators in place of room treatment

Attended Frank of Acoustic resonators demo during Kuala lumpur AV show , Malaysia yesterday. Demostrated his magic show and I can really hear the difference . During Q & A session someone asked him whether it is necessary to do room treatment if we use the acoustic resonators. Was told it's sufficient to use only the resonators up to max 11 pieces only. I got my room treated using Rives level1 ( only level possible in Malaysia) & faced with construction issues & it's only theoretical design only. If it's truly work , it's certainly preferably over traditional room
treatment. Cost wise it's comparable . Anybody has tried the resonator method of room treatment & what is your impression?
I have ten resonators in a large and sonically difficult room. My listening room is also our livingroom, and my wife ruled out the use of wall panels or other visually obtrusive devices for room treatment. The resonators are small, relatively unobtrusive in a visual sense, and they do work when it comes to improving the distribution of sound in my room. I have found, moreover, that a preamplifier with balance control also helps in taming the sonics of the room (my left speaker is located near a large opening into another room). I cannot compare the resonators to other kinds of room treatments in my room since I have not tried other types.
That a resonating cup will make a sound like a wine glass or a bowl there is no doubt.

Why you want more ringing I am not too sure. I spend much time trying to get rid of spurious resonant sounds that are not related to the music.

The large fins on the heat sinks on my amps also make a sound when there is music playing - which is why they are best kept in a cabinet reducing the ringing by a further 30 db and making the ringing all but inaudible. Doors, windows and wall hangings can still rattle but you can only go so far...
Why u want more ringing?I can understand the sceptics if they have never heard it and think it's voodoo science. Well I trust my ear during the 1hr +. The most amazing demo is the part he split the music into mono right & left channel with a hollow center. Well thanks for feedback
I was impressed by the Acoustic resonators and was impressed. Then I heard the Synergistic Research ARTS. I bought them on the spot.