Acoustic resonators in place of room treatment

Attended Frank of Acoustic resonators demo during Kuala lumpur AV show , Malaysia yesterday. Demostrated his magic show and I can really hear the difference . During Q & A session someone asked him whether it is necessary to do room treatment if we use the acoustic resonators. Was told it's sufficient to use only the resonators up to max 11 pieces only. I got my room treated using Rives level1 ( only level possible in Malaysia) & faced with construction issues & it's only theoretical design only. If it's truly work , it's certainly preferably over traditional room
treatment. Cost wise it's comparable . Anybody has tried the resonator method of room treatment & what is your impression?
Why u want more ringing?I can understand the sceptics if they have never heard it and think it's voodoo science. Well I trust my ear during the 1hr +. The most amazing demo is the part he split the music into mono right & left channel with a hollow center. Well thanks for feedback
I was impressed by the Acoustic resonators and was impressed. Then I heard the Synergistic Research ARTS. I bought them on the spot.
What difference do u hear? Synergistic art is a much cheaper option if it works as well or better? Is the cup moveable to tune the sound like the acoustic resonator?
Audioblazer, you are basically dealing with only five pieces with the SR ARTs, but again one has to experiment with placement, but not what metal is used. I bought the ARTs after hearing a demonstration of both the Acoustic Resonators and the then new ARTs.

I find the effects of the ARTs more substantial and critical to my listening joy, but I have not personally used the Acoustic Resonators.

I don't expect that an individual can hear a comparison between the two at a dealers, but that is all that I can really recommend.
I have a small listening room (13 * 15). Because of where doors are located, the only practical location for the racks is between the speakers. The edge of the speakers is fairly close to the racks. I use a combo of Acoustic Sytems (8) and Art resonators (2) and they do help with the perceive image depth, height and center fill. I also have 4 Real Traps. I also have mild absorbtion at side wall and ceiling first reflection points.

That said, my DBX Drive Rack significantly improves the bass response over the above treatments. I use mild graphic eq to blend the bass and midrange at the bass driver/midrange overlap (the DBX is only seen by the bass driver). I also use notch filters (PEQ for severe bass spikes) and regular parametric EQ. I use XTZ to determine the PEQ/notch settings.

Perhaps in a bigger room and/or after a visit from the resonator pros I could achieve better results without the dbx. I am hesistant to cocoon myself with many more bass traps.