Acoustic resonators in place of room treatment

Attended Frank of Acoustic resonators demo during Kuala lumpur AV show , Malaysia yesterday. Demostrated his magic show and I can really hear the difference . During Q & A session someone asked him whether it is necessary to do room treatment if we use the acoustic resonators. Was told it's sufficient to use only the resonators up to max 11 pieces only. I got my room treated using Rives level1 ( only level possible in Malaysia) & faced with construction issues & it's only theoretical design only. If it's truly work , it's certainly preferably over traditional room
treatment. Cost wise it's comparable . Anybody has tried the resonator method of room treatment & what is your impression?
Certainly not as user friendly as acoustic resonator. I still have not set up my ART resonator since I m not sure how to hang the heavy vibratron without nailing into my front wall when I m not sure of the ideal location. Off course I could just fashion a stand to place the vibratron just like ted in 1 of the acoustic art reviews. Not up to it yet. Let's hope the new model is more user friendly
Audioblazer, I think you will be able to use BlueTac on all four walls with it.
absolutely not possible. too heavy for vibratron ie on front wall, the rest is fine. Trying to think of other solution like velcro etc. Thanks
Audioblazer, the less expensive ART does not have the Vibraatron, as I understand it.
Lets see why SR advised with the new tweak and hopefully I can learn something useful. thanks